It might be assumed that, with increased density of high-rise construction, there will be less greenery in our cities. But many projects have not only proven this to be untrue – some have increased the amount of greenery on a given plot of land, through creative use of the vertical and horizontal surfaces provided by these massive buildings. Rooftops, balconies, skybridges, the ground plane, façades, and everything in between can be “greened,” for the positive outcomes of shade, heat-island mitigation, recreation, and farming. Join some of the world’s strongest and most successful advocates for, and experts on greening the vertical habitat.

When: Saturday, 20 October 2018 8:00am-12:00pm
Venue: U-Bora Tower, Business Bay, 1st Floor Conference Room

Kindly Sponsored by:

Workshop Program

8:00am Arrival & coffee Break
8:30am Welcome


9:40am Coffee/Tea Break


11:00am Q&A Session
11:30am Discussion on Next Steps
11:50am Closing Remarks
12:00pm Workshop End