Consideration of the urban habitat is a critical component of the CTBUH mission. With increasing vertical urbanization, significant consideration must be given to the quality of the urban realm amidst, and even atop tall buildings. The impacts of new tall buildings on the urban skyline must also be considered, through thoughtful consideration of lighting treatments, material selection, and contextual gestures. This workshop brings to light some of the best-practice examples of tall building projects that enact meaningful improvements to the surrounding urban fabric, with insight into the design strategies, technologies, and systems that will ensure vertical cities are also livable cities in the future.

When: Saturday, 20 October 2018 8:00am-12:00pm
Venue: Dubai Healthcare City, Arcadis Consulting Middle East, 5th Floor, Arcadis Conference Room

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Workshop Program

8:00am Arrival & coffee Break
8:30am Welcome


9:40am Coffee/Tea Break


11:00am Q&A Session
11:30am Discussion on Next Steps
11:50am Closing Remarks
12:00pm Workshop End